Created with the creatives at Trollback + Company for Estee Lauder's Launch of their skincare product, Revitalizing Supreme.  Using SideFX's Houdini and Autodesk Maya, we explored the different visual interpretations of the motion capture data that was recorded with the dancer.  We created an exciting piece that highlighted the elegance and cutting edge technology of Estee Lauder's skincare line.



Trollbäck + Company

Creative Founder : Jakob Trollbäck
Executive Producer : Erica Schrager
Executive Creative Director : Elliot Chaffer
Creative Director : Brian Bowman
3D Artist : Animesh Dwivedi, John Lee
Compositor : Benjamin Nichols, John Lee

Comp 1.gif

Some explorations during the giddy, early stages when we first got the mo-cap data.

Comp 2.gif

It wasn't until later, long after the project had finished did I really appreciate the time that was given to us for a lot of the research and development. I had a blast figuring out the program as well as the ability to control so many of the elements that were being created with mo-cap data. Some of the development definitely produced looks and animations that have been done before in the past, but it was still a lot of fun re-creating it. Knowing the process, each step of the way.


One of the most important lessons from this project was the workflow that Houdini pushes when creating anything. To build work that is procedural is difficult, frustrating and at many times along the process you wish you can just put a deformer on a couple of vertices and get the look you were going for. 


And by no means, am I an expert, but to see just a glimpse of the benefits that this workflow gave me, I want to continue to create work that is flexible and adaptable at any time during the project.










For all my inexperience with Houdini in the beginning stages of this project, I was very pleased with the images that came out of it.